Vanderlyn is a vertically integrated manufacturer and supplier to the world’s finest hotels.
Ranging from custom design and development all the way through to prompt distribution, The Vanderlyn is committed to making sure that the guest experience is elevated and enhanced through our sources and customised guest amenities and OSE products.
Vanderlyn associates are dedicated to customer service, consumer understanding,
and an unmatched level of attention to detail. With access to world class brands and
a network of local warehouses throughout the globe, Vanderlyn is leading the industry with exceptional hospitality solutions across all categories of hotels & resorts.
Our success is built on understanding and responding to the evolving demands of today’s hotel professionals and their guests.

From concept to design, production packaging production, logistics and our own distribution points, The Vanderlyn boasts proprietary and fully vertical manufacturing.

With communication centers in Los Angeles and Madrid, and manufacturing & logistics centers that span from Hawaii to London, our global distribution is scaled to ensure the most effective and efficient servicing for our international clientele.